martes, 9 de agosto de 2016

Zsuzsanna Sóti Share with us!

  Beauty in mercy and mercy in beauty

She has guided the Workshop with this title. Sharing thoughts of our participants reflecting on our Workshop:
 "True beauty is not a judgment of someone else but an event that changes us." "Seeing beauty in things including nature, music, reflection, prayer, confession, the Eucharistic adoration, in acts of care, in happiness and smiles...Proving that beauty is not just what meets the eye but what is experienced and expressed." "It was beautiful...the silence. All so emotional, all so different and yet all so united-we were all lost in the moment. 

Tears were shed as God, the Holy Spirit, greated each of us and granted us peace. It was beautiful-the silence." "And we-Christ's hand and feet prayed Our Father holding hands. Beautiful." 

Thank you for participating!

 Zsuzsanna Sóti, Hungary

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